Thursday, March 7, 2013

Building Bridges Group

Who is in the group? Cy’leek, Ethan, Colin D, Colin W., and Damian (all 3rd and 2nd graders)

What do we do?  We learn about bridges by reading books, making them, and testing them.

How do you make bridges? First, you take 2 books and stand them up 6 inches apart. Then, you take 2 pieces of paper and curve it into half an oval which is called an “arch.” Next, you put the other paper on top of the books over the arch.

Some things we do to build teamwork are build bridges and test them to see if they work by putting as many small plastic dinosaurs on top as we can before the bridge sags.

We also made bridges with our bodies! The 2 outsider people pulled and the 2 inside people pushed to show a suspension bridge.

Today in group, we made a bridge with two books. We took a piece of paper and pretended we were making a fan by folding it back and forth. Then we put the fan over the book and put a flat piece of paper on top. When we tested it, it held 106 plastic dinos!  

Ethan and I testing our bridge with the dinos

By: Colin D.

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