Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Learning About Mammals

In Mrs.Cackowski’s class, we did animal posters because we were learning about animals. The animal classes were reptiles, mammals, birds, fish and amphibians.  We did mammals.  We used books and computers to find out about animal classes.  We had two more girls in our group named Janaki and Lucy.

We got to color, draw, write and read. Some things we learned are that a baby can come out of its mother. They have fur and tails. Mammals have two or four legs. Some mammals are monkeys, cats, dogs, and bears. Our favorite part of the project was to be in the group with our best friends.  The project took us three weeks to finish. We presented our projects to the whole class. It was the most fun thing ever!!!  

Our poster

By: Raghad and Arwen

1 comment:

  1. I love your poster it tells alot about mammals
